Daily Boutique Deals

May 13, 2009

369 Color Me Cute Splat Mat and Bib Giveaway **CLOSED**

Color Me Cute offers "sweet baby items for your little cuties." From bibs to stroller blankets to toddler belts to swaddle blankets, these hand-made beauties are sure to please! The laminated splat mats are fabulous for easy clean up underneath a high chair, and come in the latest trendy prints. For you mother's with toddlers out there these mats would also make the perfect floor covering for your art areas! Each mat has a lip edge that helps keep those spills on the mat and not on your floor. A coordinating laminated bib is provided as well to keep your baby stylish and clean.
Win one Color Me Cute laminated splat mat and bib set in your choice of print. Simply comment with your favorite Color Me Cute product by midnight 5/19 PST - you might be our winner!
Extra Entries
1 entry- place a standard Fabulous Fun Finds blog button on your own personal blog
1 entry- place a Fabulous Fun Finds Baby Shower Blast button on your own personal blog
1 entry- become a blog follower by adding yourself to the group of followers on the right hand sidebar
1 entry- blog about this specific giveaway (link required)
1 entry- twitter about this specific giveaway (link required)
1 entry- update your facebook status with links to this specific giveaway
Please leave a comment for each entry. Leave a valid email address for notification purposes!
Congratulations to steph.miles.miley! Must confirm by midnight 5/20 PST!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 369   Newer›   Newest»
Liana Brown said... 1

Lolli Dot and Groovy splat mats are my favorites! What cute patterns!!!!

Liana Brown said... 2

I am a follower.. I hope I win something! :)

skuluave said... 3

I love the alexander swaddle blanket and all of those bibs are just too cute. hdkira@hotmail.com

Melanie said... 4

Loli Dot Bib and Burp gift set.


Davis Family said... 5

Love the cool blue bibs.


Davis Family said... 6

I am a follower


Davis Family said... 7

I have your button on my blog


Davis Family said... 8

Have a baby shower blast button on my blog


Tracy Belair Gaito said... 9

I love these splat mats (and really need one for my little girl!). I love the fabric on the Chloe Swaddle Me Minky Blanket - so fun and cheerful!

runnerbeanarts at gmail dot com

Tracy Belair Gaito said... 10

I'm a follower :-)

runnerbeanarts at gmail dot com

ChrisandLogue said... 11

Love the Lolli Dots bib and mat!


ChrisandLogue said... 12

have FFF button!


Brad and Hailey said... 13

I love the Lolli Dot Laminated Splat Mat and Bib!


ChrisandLogue said... 14

have BSB button!


Ashley said... 15

The lolli dot is so cute!

ChrisandLogue said... 16

follow your blog!


Pam said... 17

I love the carnival bloom splat mat/bib sets. Wish I had one of these with my son! Now I know better with my daughter...

melacan at hotmail dot com

Pam said... 18


{Amanda} said... 19

Groovy all the way!


{Amanda} said... 20

and FFF button on amandabrookesbump.blogspot.com


{Amanda} said... 21

also BSB button on amandabrookesbump.blogspot.com


Julie A. said... 22

Lolli Dot is my favorite.


Catey said... 23

I love the Alexander Minky blanket

Unknown said... 24

The Groovy splat mat is my favorite

tiffanyjoy.mo at gmail.com

Unknown said... 25


tiffanyjoy.mo at gmail.com

Katie said... 26

Love the Lolli Dot!


Katie said... 27

I have the FFF button on my sidebar.


Julie said... 28

Love the Trenton plaid belt!

Julie said... 29

I have the baby button!

Lea Liz said... 30

I love the lollidot splat mat!!

Lea Liz said... 31

I have shower button on my blog

The Shopping Mama said... 32

Love the carnival bloom fabric.

The Shopping Mama said... 33

I have the baby blast button.

Kelly said... 34

I like the Here Comes Summer Burp Cloth Gift Set


Kelly said... 35

i follow


steph.miles.miley said... 36

I love the lolli dot bib and slat mats and I really like the Avery stroller blanket

Kelly said... 37

i have your button


Kelly said... 38

i have your baby shower blast button


Anonymous said... 39

I like the Carnival Bloom splat mat


Anonymous said... 40

I have the Fabulous Fun Finds Button

Anonymous said... 41

I Have the Baby Shower Blast Button

Anonymous said... 42

I follow

Stacey - Elle Belle said... 43

The lolli dot set is my fave!

Carrie said... 44

I love the Damask Laminated Splat Mat and Bib Set

Cheryl said... 45

The Caleb Swaddle Me Minky Blanket

Kelsey said... 46

Lovin the Lolli Dot!

Shauna said... 47

The splat mat is a great idea! I like the swaddle blankets too

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said... 48

I like the daisy splat mat.

Unknown said... 49

The Swaddle blankets are darling! Wouldn't you just love to wrap up in one of those?

Kelsey said... 50

I have baby shower button on blog

Kelsey said... 51

I have FFF button on blog

D-Mama said... 52

i like the Lolli Dot Laminated Splat Mat and Bib.


D-Mama said... 53

i fallow

Heather said... 54

Love the Groovy Splat Mat and Bib Set! Such a cool product!


Anonymous said... 55

follow on twitter



Chelsy said... 56

The daisy splat mat is so cute!!

Jeremy and Jennifer said... 57

I love the Sweet Blossom Bib and Burp Gift Set.


Chelsy said... 58

I'm a follower!!!

Chelsy said... 59

I also have a FFF baby shower button!!

Kim said... 60

LOVE: Lolli Dot Bib and Burp Gift Set

Misusedinnocence said... 61

The sweet leah bibs. So cute!


Hills said... 62

i love the carnival bloom splat mat and bib! Super cute, GREAT idea! liquidgirl2004@hotmail.com

Kristen said... 63

Tweeted about your giveaway!

copied you on it on twitter.

Kristen said... 64

OMG stinkin cute are these? Damask Laminated Splat Mat and Bib Set. There folding table cover is too cute too.


selfkristen@gmail.com .

Kristen said... 65

I have the baby shower button on www.whosekidsarethese.com

Thanks, Kristen

Sydney said... 66

I love the Groovy Splat Mat and Bib Set the best


throuthehaze said... 67

Sweet Treats Bib and Burp Gift Set

Rebecca said... 68

I love the Lolli Dot Laminated Splat Mat and Bib. So cute how they match!

susan said... 69

Love the Cool Blue Bibs!

susan said... 70

I tweeted. http://twitter.com/susanlanai/status/1788089555

susan said... 71

I posted on Facebook.

Anne said... 72

The Addison Lovey Blanket is simply adorable!

Amy said... 73

My favorite product is the Blue Dots Bib and Burp Gift Set.

Amy said... 74

I have the FFF buttonm

Farrah said... 75

I like the chloe mat!

Farrah said... 76

I have the fff button!

Farrah said... 77

I have the baby shower button on my blog!

MamabearMills said... 78

The Aiden Swaddle Me Crib Minky Blanket

MamabearMills said... 79

i have the shower button

MamabearMills said... 80


{amy k.} said... 81

I like the sweet leah bib set


Holly R said... 82

I like the Lolli Dot mat and bib set.

Holly R said... 83

I follow.

D said... 84

I love the Groovy splat mat and boy do I need one!

Judith said... 85

The Alexander Swaddle Me Minky Blanket is my favorite.

Ti'ana said... 86

i like the lolli dot very nice. tianadmartin@hotmail.com

Steph Wardle said... 87

The Damask Laminated Splat Mat and Bib Set is great! Modern and works great for a boy or a girl.

Krystal said... 88

The Caleb swaddle me minky blanket is my fave! kbc517@aol.com

Krystal said... 89

I follow! kbc517@aol.com

Krystal said... 90

I have FFF standard button on blog! kbc517@aol.com

Krystal said... 91

I have shower blast button too! kbc517@aol.com

~ Donna ~ said... 92

I love the The Chloe Swaddle Me Minky Blanket!

casey aubut said... 93

I like the daisy print!

casey aubut said... 94

I follow

casey aubut said... 95

I have your standard button

A Family Completed... said... 96

Everything is so cute! I loved the The Aiden Swaddle Me Crib Minky Blanket.
Thanks for the entry
Tonyamcrain [at] aol.com

A Family Completed... said... 97

I follow

A Family Completed... said... 98

I have the event button

MaryAnn said... 99

I like the Loli Dot Bib and Burp gift set

MaryAnn said... 100

I have your button on my blog

MaryAnn said... 101

I have the baby shower button on my blog

Sarah Kate said... 102

I love the aiden swaddle blanket.

Erica Wyatt said... 103

I love the The Addison Lovey Blanket

Sarah Kate said... 104

I have a button.

Erica Wyatt said... 105

I have a FFF button

Sarah Kate said... 106

I am a follower.

Erica Wyatt said... 107

I have a FFF BSB buttonm

Erica Wyatt said... 108

I am a follower on google reader

dctm said... 109

Lolli Dot Bib and Burp Gift Set is my favorite

dctm at bellsouth dot net

Melissa barg said... 110

lolli dot mat and bib set is adorable


Melissa barg said... 111

FFF button on blog at http://www.simplereflections-melissa.blogspot.com/

Cranberryfries said... 112

I like the Blue Dot Laminated Splat Mat and Bib Set

Cranberryfries said... 113

I have a button on my blog

Cranberryfries said... 114

I am a follower

Express Yourself said... 115

Oh how it would make clean up easier....love it!!


Rob and Amy said... 116

I love the Chloe Swaddle Me Minky!!!


Rob and Amy said... 117

I'm a follower!


Rob and Amy said... 118

I have the FFF button!

Rob and Amy said... 119

I have the baby button


Rob and Amy said... 120

I blogged about it here!!



Jennifer Pondillo said... 121

Lolli Dot is my favorite

Jennifer Pondillo said... 122

I follow

ethnically ambiguous said... 123

i just love teh The Caleb Swaddle Me Minky Blanket & photographer for this Etsy shop is amazing beautiful items beautiful children

ethnically ambiguous said... 124

i have your button

ethnically ambiguous said... 125

i have the baby shower blast button

ethnically ambiguous said... 126

and follow

Julie said... 127

I have a standard button in my blog!

Berrett's said... 128

I love the Carnival Bloom splat mat and bib set!!!! Love that design!


Berrett's said... 129

i have your button on my blog



Berrett's said... 130

i have the shower blast button



StephF said... 131

My favorite is the Chloe Swaddle Me Minky Blanket...too cute!


StephF said... 132

I follow...


Belinda M said... 133

I like the Sweet Leah Bibs

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:

Belinda M said... 134

i follow

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:

Kara said... 135

I love the trendy toddler belt

kara at smithplanet.com

Kara said... 136

I have your button!!
kara at smithplanet.com

Katrina said... 137

The Groovy Splat Mat & Bib is definitely my favorite! Love it!

Katrina said... 138

I follow!

Katrina said... 139

I have your button!

Katrina said... 140

I have the Baby Shower button!

manda said... 141

I love the Groovy Splat Mat and Bib Set pictured, and the Sweet Summer Baby Girl Bibs are adorable!!

hickups88 at hotmail dot com

Coccinelle said... 142

I love Lolli Dot Laminated Splat Mat and Bib Gift Set, it's just TOO cute.

coccinelle at michelf dot com

Melanie said... 143

I LOVE the daisy splat mat and bib set.

Melanie said... 144


Melanie said... 145

fff button.

Melanie said... 146

shower button

Shanda said... 147

The Avery Stroller Blanket is my favorite!

Shanda said... 148

I am following. thanks

Sara said... 149

I like the Carnival Bloom Splat Mat and Bib Set
saradavis1 at gmail

Sara said... 150

have standard button

Sara said... 151

have baby shower button

Sara said... 152


Steph and Brady said... 153

I like the Chloe Swaddle Me Minky Blanket. stephhess8@yahoo.com

Sara said... 154

tweeted it http://twitter.com/SaraMama/status/1791771523
saradavis1 at gmail

Canadian Princess said... 155

The groovy splat mat is my favourite and I really need it with my son!

inthemiddleofthis at gmail dot com

Canadian Princess said... 156

I'm a follower!

inthemiddleofthis at gmail dot com

Steph and Brady said... 157

I have the standard button. stephhess8@yahoo.com

Steph and Brady said... 158

I have the baby shower button. stephhess8@yahoo.com

Steph and Brady said... 159

I follow. stephhess8@yahoo.com

Jeremy and Jennifer said... 160

I'm a follower.


The Newmans said... 161

I like the daisy splat mat set.


The Newmans said... 162

I am a follower


The Newmans said... 163

I have a FFF button


The Newmans said... 164

I have a baby shower button


Steph and Brady said... 165

I tweeted. stephhess8@yahoo.com

Steph and Brady said... 166

I updated facebook. stephhess8@yahoo.com

Unknown said... 167

I love the sweet blossom bib.

Unknown said... 168

I follow

Unknown said... 169

I have your fff button

Unknown said... 170

I have your bsb button

Unknown said... 171


Devri said... 172

I love the The Avery Stroller Blanket.


Devri said... 173

I follow.


Julie said... 174

I love the roundabout bib. Adorable!

Melissa said... 175

I like the Groovy splat mat. Very cute!

Melissa said... 176

I follow.

Melissa said... 177

Have the baby button.

Melissa said... 178

Have the FFF button.

McClure Family said... 179

i love both the groovy and lolli dot!

2by2boutique at gmail dot com

McClure Family said... 180

baby shower button

2by2boutique at gmail dot com

McClure Family said... 181

i follow

2by2boutique at gmail dot com

laddie said... 182

I love the Alexander Bib and Burp Gift Set, cutie!


Stephanie said... 183

I love the swaddle me minky blankets. My baby won't go to sleep unless the blanket is touching is face so this would be perfect!


Stephanie said... 184

I have a FFF button on my blog.


Stephanie said... 185

I have the BSB button


The Merry Death said... 186

The Damask Laminated Splat Mat and Bib Set is CLASSY!

The Merry Death said... 187

Tweet! https://twitter.com/meredycat/status/1794457291

Doug said... 188

lolli dot is my favorite print

Kinzie Sue said... 189

Love the Groovy Splat Mat and Bib Set! So cute and useful!


Kinzie Sue said... 190




lolli dot and groovy mat

Suzie said... 192

I love the lolli dot print.

Sarah said... 193

I love the Toddler Carnival Bloom Laminated Bib with Pocket.
apricotpolkadot at gmail dot com

Vanessa said... 194

I like the carnival bloom splat mat and bib set.


Unknown said... 195

I love the swaddle blanket. I would have loved to have that right after my baby was born.

Unknown said... 196

I follow.


Sugarplum Creations Blog said... 197

I love the Daisy splat mat and bib!


Sugarplum Creations Blog said... 198

I have a standard FFF button on my blog :)

Heidi said... 199

Chloe Swaddle Me Minky blanket! Adorable!

Heidi said... 200

Got your button.

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