Daily Boutique Deals

October 9, 2009

11 Peppermint Giveaways Sneak Peek!


Layla Grayce

California Caramel Company

Can you believe it? The annual "Fabulous Fun Finds Peppermint Giveaways" is just around the corner. This is just a glimpse of the fabulous products that will be up for grabs during the giveaways. Didn't win the last Must Have Shoes giveaway? No problem. They are back with the same FABULOUS giveaway!! Save the date and spread the word! November 2-6!



Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I love what I'm seeing in this sneak peek!

Daer0n said...

Awesome! i can't wait for the giveaways :)

Kayla said...

You totally made me drool over that Carmel apple!

Dolce Baci said...

I am so excited!!

Loella Medina said...

ooh I want it all! haha Everything looks amazing you are going to make a very lucky person very happy.

Debbie B said...


Roeshel said...

Hi Heather! Lucky me to discover your blog just in time! ;)

Nice to "meet" you. Off to check out more!


Forever Owen said...

Thank you for the sneak peeks! It's torture to wait 'til Nov.!

Amy S. said...

I can't wait! I'm feeling lucky!

Erin said...

ohh I love all the giveaways!

Twirlie Whirlies said...

LOVE those gorgeous white cake tiers! Be sure to tweet a lot of reminders about this fab giveaway!