Daily Boutique Deals

December 17, 2009

1 Safeway's Leftover Lounge

Most likely you have a Safeway store in your neck of the woods, but did you know that Safeway created a website full of easy-to-follow, budget conscious recipes that will help you relax during this challenging season. Safeway's Leftover Lounge helps you use up all the food from the night before to create a whole new refreshing meal. The website is chuck full of mouth watering main course dishes including their popular 2 Hour Turkey recipe. Safeway sent over a nice little gift card to offset the expensive of testing out some of their recipes. I must admit it is nice to be able to take the ingredients from these recipes and KNOW that ALL the ingredients will be available at the Safeway store. I don't have time to waste, so I hate it when I have to go to two or three different stores to find one ingredient needed for a recipe. I tried out the Turkey, Brie and Cranberry Baguettes which is heaven. Also with all the leftover turkey in the house we made the Turkey BLT! This is one of those recipes where you think "Why didn't I think of that before?" It is very tasty! I have a few eye on a few more recipes that we will be testing out this week. My husband will hardly eat leftovers, so it is nice to have a resource that will help me create amazing meals without wasting my time or money!