Daily Boutique Deals

April 16, 2010

1 Matilda Jane Contest, Sneak Peak Giveaway & Trunk Show!!

As if next weeks "Fabulous Mothers Extravaganza" is not stacked enough with killer giveaways I just got word that Matilda Jane Clothing is participating! This is so exciting! Now if you are not familiar with Matilda Jane Clothing please let me introduce you to this unpredictable clothing line for children and adults! Yes, unpredictable and incredible! Mixing and matching various prints and textures with tons of ruffles and you have Matilda Jane. What reminds you of Matilda Jane? Well, MJC wants to know! Currently Matilda Jane is offering a contest with the prize being an all expense trip for you and a friend to attend Matilda Janes 2nd annual Art Fair (DREAMY!!!) That is right airfare, hotel, food and I am sure much more will all be provided by Matilda Jane. I am sure Matilda Jane Clothing knows how to host just as much as they know how to design clothing, so really this is an incredibly opportunity! Details for the contest can be found here. The deadline has been extended to May 10! Good luck!
Also as you can tell the Matilda Jane Clothing shopping carts are not open on the website! No problem from April 22-24 a special trunk show is being held for Fabulous Fun Finds bloggers! Take a look, get your list ready and make sure you check out the new releases of Hammond Bay 3! Details on how to order will be posted along with a fabulous giveaway Wednesday night! Make sure you visit the Matilda Jane Blog for many, many ideas how these fashionable items can be worn!