Daily Boutique Deals

May 19, 2010

4 Boutique Sweet Cheeks

People think of everything!  A Bumbo seat cover!  This is perfect for those of you that have a pink Bumbo for your first child than find out you are expecting a boy for your second child and vice versa.  Being able to throw the cover in the washing machine is pretty nice too.  Available through Boutique Sweet Cheeks.


erin, maker of chimes said... 1

I'm getting her to make a custom cover using fabric featuring hubby's college. He's going to love it!

Crystal and Billy said... 2

That is really cool.

Heather M said... 3

Very cute! I wasn't able to use my bumbo, because my sweet little girl's thighs were too fat! She'd get stuck in it! But maybe I can get one for someone with a skinnier baby! LOL!

Care said... 4

OMGosh what a great idea! Loveit!