Daily Boutique Deals

May 14, 2010

358 Hapari Giveaway **CLOSED**

Hapari is known for their fun modest swimwear line.  These swimsuits are trendy, fit well and we all need a tankini this summer!  Really, like today!  Hapari has a great line of tankinis for women and juniors.  Tankinis are just as modest if not more modest than a one piece swimsuit, yet I think tankinis are much more flattering.  So who is in need of a new swimsuit this summer?  Do you have a beachside vacation planned?  Hapari is giving away a $96 gift certificate which will cover the cost of one tankini top and one tankini bottom!  Giveaway closes at midnight on 5/20 PST!
To Enter:
Please visit the Hapari, come back and comment on your favorite item (required entry)
1 entry- Follow Hapari on Facebook
1 extra entry- Follow Hapari on Twitter


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 358   Newer›   Newest»
susan said... 1

I like the Retro S.O.S Tankini and Hot Shorts Brown Bottoms.

susan said... 2

I follow Hapari on Twitter.

Shannon said... 3

I am following Hapari on FB and Twitter! I Love the Black Alaoha SOS Tankini!!


Unknown said... 4

I like the Zebra V-Neck Tankini.

The Full Nelson said... 5

I like the black alaoha tankini.

The Full Nelson said... 6

I follow Hapari on fb

KVH said... 7

i love the brown sport tankini

Michelle W said... 8

I like the plus-size Aloha black tankini with the cover up shorts.

Michelle W said... 9

I follow Hapari on FB.

chillyfreetoes AT gmail.com

La-Dee-da crafter said... 10

I follow Hapari on twitter

La-Dee-da crafter said... 11

My favorite is GNO bling butterly, but they are all great.

La-Dee-da crafter said... 12

I follow Hapari on FB

Amy Mac said... 13

I love the aqua bay S.O.S. top with the tummy tuck bottoms in brown!

Amy Mac said... 14

Following Hapari on twitter--amymac88


Heidi Jo Comes said... 15

i've been eyeing their suits for a while and haven't made the jump for one, due to $$.

i don't know which one i'd choose, i like so many. the aqua bay v-neck...the green envy diamond...gno bling butterfly...mardi gras butterfly...

see what i mean. but if i win, i'll do a bit more digging and determine which would most suit my body:o)

Stuart and Kimber said... 16

Island Fever! Super cute. Love it

Heidi Jo Comes said... 17

and of course i've been following on facebook!

Kim Chapman said... 18

I like the metro sos red polka dot top and bottoms

Kim Chapman said... 19

harpari follower on facebook

Kristen said... 20

I like the retro v-neck tankini with the regular turquoise bottoms.


Kristen said... 21

FB fan of Hapari.


Kristen said... 22

Twitter follower of Hapari.


kitkat234 said... 23

I like the Red Aloha Butterfly Tankini

kitkat234 said... 24

Fan of hapari on facebook
kitkat 234 at gmail dot com

FrostedFantasies said... 25

Loving the Zebra V-Neck Tankini!


kitkat234 said... 26

Follow on twitter hapari @kitkat234

FrostedFantasies said... 27

I'm following Hapari on facebook!


Anjie said... 28

I like the Plus Size Island Fever V-Neck Tankini, and the Plus Size Brown cover up shorts. And I LOVE the fact that they carry the cute stuff in plus size, so I don't have to look like an old lady!

Anjie said... 29

I follow Hapari on FB.

Abe and April said... 30

I follow Haparoi on FB

ashby_ april at hotmail dot com

Katrina said... 31

I love the Retro V-Neck Tankini! And the Tummu Tuk bottoms?? Yes, PLEASE! :)


Abe and April said... 32

Mango Mudd Sport Tankini is my favorite

ashby_april at hotmail dot com

Anjie said... 33

I follow Hapari on Twitter (@AbeHunin)

Anonymous said... 34

I like the Giraffe Butterfly Tankini!

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

Katrina said... 35

Following Hapari on FB (Katrina Grace Sevin)


Katrina said... 36

Following Hapari on twitter (katrinasevin)


Hailey Bugs Closet said... 37

I follow Hapari on Facebook

Katrina said... 38

{Extra Entry} I have your button on my blog. http://sevinfamily.com


Catherine said... 39

I would get either the Zebra or Retro v-neck tankinis.

M.O.T.B said... 40

Metro v-neck! Love it. I like Harpari on Facebook!

AutumH said... 41

I loved the Green Envy Diamond V-Neck Tankini and the New! Hot Shorts Black Swim Bottoms.


AutumH said... 42

Follow Hapari on twitter.


Andrea said... 43

I like the Retro Sport Tankini.


AutumH said... 44

Follow Hapari on facebook!


Jamie said... 45

I like the Zebra V-Neck!

jamiedelight @gmail.com

Jamie said... 46

I have your button on our blog


bayctygrl said... 47

I love the Blue Aloha V-Neck Tankini

hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

bayctygrl said... 48

follow Hapari on FB Jennifer Bee
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

bayctygrl said... 49

follow hapari on twitter @bayctygrl
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

joylyn said... 50

Black Aloha SOS tankini


Emily said... 51

I like the retro sport tankini with the tummy tuk red polka bottoms!!! Very cute

Because of spam on my email...if I win can you please leave me a comment on my blog?


Emily said... 52

I follow Hapari on FB.

Because of spam on my email...if I win can you please leave me a comment on my blog?


Sam and Josh said... 53

retro soso tankini

Roberta said... 54

the black aloha sos tankini is the most forgiving suit! Love it!

Roberta said... 55

Following on Twitter

Miss Spoken said... 56

I like the Aloha V-Neck Tankini in black

gkstratos at yahoo dot com

Gina said... 57

I like the Aqua Bay sport tankini with the black cover up shorts. I would also like a shore. I've been wanting one FOREVER

Miss Spoken said... 58

Following Hapari on Twitter

gkstratos at yahoo dot com

brooksity said... 59

I like the retro tankini and shorts

michellebrooks at me dot com

Nichole said... 60

Nichole Seiler: I love the Metro S.O.S. Tankini

Nichole said... 61

Nichole Seiler: follow on facebook

Printhis said... 62

I love the Island Fever V-Neck Tankini and the bottoms


Unknown said... 63

I love the Retro S.O.S Tankini and the Brown Sassy Swimwear Skirt Thanks for entering me into this giveaway!


Sarah said... 64

I love the metro v-neck tankini


Chel said... 65

I would get the aloha suit

zagnutz14 @ aol . com

Maynor Moments said... 66

I love the Alaho Tankini


Maynor Moments said... 67

Hapari facebook fan


dteslevich said... 68

I really like the Black Aloha Sport Tankini with the hot shorts in black
dteslevich at hotmail dot com

Jenna Anderson said... 69

Island Fever Sport tank. And Definitely Brown tummy tuk bottoms!! How awesome are they??! amazing

Jenna Anderson said... 70

I follow Hapari on Facebook

D said... 71

ooh! I need a new swimsuit with lots of support! I like the black aloha sos and the black hot shorts though I may need to go with the tummy tuck bottoms and cover up shorts instead. :)

D said... 72

I pressed the like button on their facebook page...I think that means I follow them...

Connie and Joe said... 73

Love the girls Aqua Bay Sport. Can just see that on my oldest grand daughter at her swim class.


Charity Donovan said... 74

Love the Juniors and Girls Retro Sport Tankini w/ the Juniors and Girls Hot Shorts Brown Polka Bottoms. So cute!

charityd AT centurytel DOT net

Charity Donovan said... 75

Following Hapari on Twitter.

charityd AT centurtel DOT net

Jenny May McKim said... 76

OH I would so love the ETRO S.O.S. TANKINI RED POLKA DOT TRIM.. I don't have a vacation trip planned, but I do have return to the pool post twins trip!


Amy said... 77

I'd love to get this tankini for my daughter


Jenny May McKim said... 78

Became a follower on Facebook


Tara said... 79

I would love the stripes v-neck tankini top. Love it.


Tara said... 80

I follow them on FB.


Tara said... 81

I follow them on twitter.


Mrs. Lexi said... 82

I love the zebra v neck tankini with the blue bottoms!


Mrs. Lexi said... 83

Following Hapari on twitter!


Wilder said... 84

I love the Cali Palms Butterfly Tankini with the tummy tuk turquoise bottoms

MandS said... 85

I love the gno bing v neck top and brown bottoms.


JoEllen said... 86

I love the Retro V-neck tankini!

joellenzafacon at gmail dot com

JoEllen said... 87

I'm a FFF follower...

joellenzafacon at gmail dot com

JoEllen said... 88

I'm a FB fan...

joellenzafacon at gmail dot com

Suzi said... 89

I love the giraffe sport tank

suzibeckwith at gmail

Suzi said... 90

I am a fan on Facebook

suzibeckwith at gmail

Suzi said... 91

I follow on Twitter


suzibeckwith at gmail

Winmill said... 92

I follow on FB

Love the Black Aloha V neck tank! This is great to know about. My favorite store for Swim Suits had a warehouse fire and won't open until the end of summer! I have been hyperventilating trying to find an alternative! I can now breathe easy! Thanks!!


Melissa Ross said... 93

I love the Red Aloha Sport Tankini.


katidyd said... 94

i like the black aloha tankini
katidyd at hotmail dot com

katidyd said... 95

google follower
katidyd at hotmail dot com

MaryAnn said... 96

I love the Island Fever Sport Tankini

Melissa Ross said... 97

I follow on FB.


Raegan said... 98

I love the PS Aloha black Vneck tankini!!!

Raegan said... 99

I am a facebook fan of Hapari!!!

one frugal lady said... 100

I love the aqua bay v-neck tankini and the tummy tuck turquoise bottoms!

KristaR said... 101

I love the Retro S.O.S Tankini and brown tummy tuk bottoms

crabapple3 at gmail dot com

KristaR said... 102

I follow this blog

crabapple3 at gmail dot com

Kara and Chant said... 103

I Love their stuff! So cute! I would get the Metro SOS Tankini with the Turquoise Tummy Tuk bottoms. And I think I would get the turquoise and brown board shorts. LOVE them!
wil04078 at gmail dot com

Megan said... 104

I love the Retro V-Neck Tankini!!! :)

supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

Megan said... 105

I follow Hapari on FB!

supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

Rebekah said... 106

I love the Black Aloha S.O.S Tankini and Black Tummy Tuk Bottoms and also the Retro S.O.S Tankini and Brown Tummy Tuk Bottoms. So many to choose from.


Rebekah said... 107

I follow Hapari on Twitter.

Rebekah said... 108

I am following Hapari on Twitter also.

Jamie said... 109

My fav is the island fever

Jamie said... 110

I follow Hapari on FB

Jenna Anderson said... 111

I love the Mardi Gras Butterfly Tankini and the Hot Shorts Black Bottoms!


Jenna Anderson said... 112

I follow FFF


Jenna Anderson said... 113

I have a FFF button on my blog


JennJenn said... 114

I love the one with the white flowered top and the melon bottoms. Very cute! And I'm also a fan on facebook! :) Pick me! Pick me!! ;)

Gemma said... 115

I love the Retro V-Neck Tankini



Jennifer said... 116

love the Plus Size Island Fever Sport Tankini


Jennifer said... 117

follow Hapari on FB

Anonymous said... 118

I love Island Fever Sport Tankini

I am following them on FB

Heidi said... 119

Red Aloha Sport!

stacey said... 120

I love the Mango Mud Sport top and the hot shorts.

stacey said... 121

Follow Hapai on FB

stacey said... 122

Follow Hapari on Twitter

Kristie said... 123

I like the Stripes V-Neck Tankini.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

The Billman Family said... 124

I love the Black Aloha Sport Tankin. Super CUTE

The Billman Family said... 125

I follow Hapari on facebook

wigget said... 126

i love the Green Envy Diamond V-Neck Tankini

Lisa @ Simply Things Family said... 127

Red Aloha Sport Tankini.

Kelly said... 128

I like the Metro S.O.S. Tankini (Turquoise Trim)


Holly said... 129

I love the Metro SOS Brown Trim tankini top and the Brown Beach Shorts (Brown Waistband) bottoms. So cute!

Liana Brown said... 130

Island Fever Sport Tankini is the cutest swimsuit!!!!


Tracy - A Maui Mommy said... 131

I like the Island Fever Sport Tankini :-)


Catey said... 132

So hard to choose! I love the Island fever v-neck or the black Aloha sport

Jamie Hill said... 133

Love the Metro SOS Tankini. Following on FB.

Kimberly said... 134

I like the brown sport tankini!

Andrew, Amy, Evelyn& Owen said... 135

GNO "Bling" Butterfly Tankini is so cute!


Andrew, Amy, Evelyn& Owen said... 136

I am following Hapari on FB.


MIchelle said... 137

I like the mango mud sport tankini


MIchelle said... 138

I follow on facebook


MIchelle said... 139

I follow on twitter


Cam and Mary said... 140

I love the GNO bling tankini!

Kathey's Creative Ideas said... 141

i love the mango mudd tankini -- it would go perfect with my coloring!

The Fam said... 142

Love the Retro S.O.S. tankini!

harmony6380 @ hotmail dot com

The Fam said... 143

I follow hapari on FB

harmony6380@ hotmail dot com

Julie A. said... 144

Aqua Bay Sport Tankini


Julie A. said... 145

fb follower


Julie A. said... 146

twitter follower


lo said... 147

I like the Zebra V-Neck Tankini with Teal bottoms!

Mary said... 148

I really want the brown sassy swimwear skirt to go along with the swimsuit that I already have from Hapari!

mary dot liddle at gmail dot com

Mary said... 149

I follow Hapari on Facebook.

mary dot liddle at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 150

American Butterfly tankini is my favorite.
I am Following on FB
Don't have Twitter

msilba said... 151

I like the GNO bling butterfly tankini and the brown and white polka dot bottoms

Tamara B. said... 152

I really like the Island Fever Sport Tankini design tankini

Tamara B. said... 153

I follow Hapari on Facebook (Tamara Bennington)

~*Andrea*~ said... 154

Love the black Alohoha sos tankini and also the mardigra! so cute! shadygrove79@aol.com

~*Andrea*~ said... 155

Follow Hapari on twitter shadygrove79 at aol dot com

~*Andrea*~ said... 156

Following Hapari on facebook

K said... 157

I like the Mango Mudd v-neck tankini and brown tummy tuk bottoms.

romancingthestork (at) gmail (dot) com

Audra said... 158



Audra said... 159

fan on FB!


Audra said... 160

follow on twitter


Belinda M said... 161

my favorite item is the Mango Mudd Sport Tankini


Belinda M said... 162

I follow hapari on twitter as Prairiebelle


Linda Kish said... 163

I like the Metro SOS brown trim tankini and tummy tuk brown bottoms

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said... 164

GFC follower

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Forever Owen said... 165

I am so glad you introduced me to Harpari! I love the Aqua Bay V-Neck Tankini!rbnewo@yahoo.com

Ashley said... 166

Sheesh! I can't decide! I follow Hapari on facebook. Giraffe Butterfly is probably my favorite

pamalot said... 167

My favourite is the Island Fever Sport Tankini.


pamalot said... 168

I am following Hapara on facebook.


~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said... 169

Oh my land, I would get the zebra tankini, my mom got one from here last year and LOVES it! The quality is fabulous and would serve me well out on the lakes this summer!

brittney.checketts at gmail.com

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said... 170

FB Follower!

Teisa Linscott said... 171

My favorite is GNO bling butterly.


justinsmom123 said... 172

Love The Aqua Bay SOS! Would love to win this! I'm losing weight and this would be perfect to show off my new body! Thanks so much :)

justinsmom123 said... 173

Following on facebook and forgot to enter my email:

justinsmom123 at yahoo.com

Kris said... 174

Retro S.O.S with Hot Shorts in brown

Kris said... 175

I follow on twitter

tracyp said... 176

love the Metro V-Neck Tankini!

crazygirl said... 177

i love love LOVE the giraffe butterfly tankini!

crazygirl said... 178

i'm following facebook.

crazygirl said... 179

and i added you to my twitter!

Mami2jcn said... 180

I like the aqua bay sport tankini.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said... 181

I follow Hapari on Facebook under the name Mary Happymommy.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said... 182

I follow Hapari on Twitter @mami2jcn.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Alayne said... 183

I love their shores for girls. I bought my first tankini there last year and love it too!!!

Huguette En said... 184

I like the Island Fever Sport Tankini.

Thanks for the chance :)

Amanda said... 185

I love the Zebra V neck Tankini


Amanda said... 186

Hapari FB fan


Amanda said... 187

I follow Hapari on Twitter


Jeremy and Jennifer said... 188

I love the Retro S.O.S Tankini and Hot Shorts Brown Bottoms.


Anne said... 189

I like the Black Aloha V-Neck Tankini
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Anne said... 190

I am a facebook fan (Anne Jolly) of Hapari
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Anne said... 191

I follow hapari on twitter, lunaj1456

Apple said... 192

I like the Blue Dot Bikini with Black Band.


coliebear said... 193

I have two favorites: Aqua Bay V-Neck Tankini and the Mardi Gras Butterfly Tankini.

Meghan Finley said... 194

I like the Island Fever Sport tankini with Hot Short Green Envy Bottoms

Chelsy said... 195

I like the Blue Aloha V-Neck Tankini sooooo cute!!! cbowcut@ymail.com

Chelsy said... 196

I follow Hapari on facebook!!cbowcut@ymail.com

mickeyfan said... 197

I like the aqua zebra sport. Very cute.

Unknown said... 198

I follow Hapari on FB


Unknown said... 199

I love the Metro S.O.S. Tankini (Red Polka Dot Trim)


Annie said... 200

I love the GNO "Bling" Butterfly Tankini it is so gorgeous.

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