Daily Boutique Deals

April 23, 2009

709 The Body Shop Mother's Day Beauty Package Giveaway **CLOSED**

The Body Shop has constantly sought after natural ingredients from all parts of the world to
create products that enhance your natural beauty. The Body Shop also strives to protect the planet and the people who depend on it. With over 2,500 stores worldwide The Body Shop has helped pamper and nurture our bodies! To celebrate Mother's Day, The Body Shop has created a quiz to help determine just what type of mother you or your own mother is (the Supermom, the Earth Mother, The Glamour Mom, & the Wise Women). When I took the quiz for my own mother the answer was the Wise Women, so true!
Please have fun taking The Body Shop's quiz, come back and leave your results in a comment before midnight 4/29 PST. One lucky blogger will receive the beauty package that corresponds with the mom type left in the comment section! ($100 Value)
Extra Entries
1 entry- place a standard Fabulous Fun Finds blog button on your own personal blog
1 entry- place a Fabulous Fun Finds Baby Shower Blast button on your own personal blog
1 entry- become a blog follower by adding yourself to the group of followers on the right hand sidebar
Please leave a comment for each entry. Leave a valid email address for notification purposes!
You must take the quiz to qualify!!!
Congratulations to NONNIE! Confirmed!!


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Nina said...

My mom is indeed a Glamour Mom!


Nina said...

I follow your blog.


Marthe said...

My mom is a Wise Woman! I also did the test for me and it turns out that if I were a mom I would be a Glamour Mom....

Marthe said...

I follow your blog

Marthe said...

I have your standard button on my blog

Melissa said...

My mom is a Wise Woman.


Melissa said...

I follow.


Melissa said...

Have the FFF button.


Melissa said...

Have the shower button.


Erin said...

My mom is a Supermom! (I already knew this.)


Erin said...

I follow.


Erin said...

I have your standard button on my blog.


Pam said...

My mom is Super Mom and I'm a wise woman.

melacan at hotmail dot com

Pam said...

I'm a follower

melacan at hotmail dto com

Courtney said...

It says that I'm an Earth Woman..wow.


heatherzilla said...

My mom is the earth mother.

Jennifer Pondillo said...

wise woman


Jennifer Pondillo said...

I follow

Miss Manda said...

My Mom is a Super Mom :) She is always doing for others, never herself! Though I couldnt get the link on the column to work so I had to go through the body shop's site. Thanks for the chance!


Miss Manda said...

I follow your blog :)



Wanderlust Hearts said...

Both my mom and I are Super mom

~ Donna ~ said...

My mom is a Glamour mom!


~ Donna ~ said...

I am a follower.

~ Donna ~ said...

I have a standard FFF button.

~ Donna ~ said...

I also have a FFF BSB button.

Megan said...

My mom is also a wise mom!

Thanks for the giveaway, vancy31[at]gmail[dot]com

Megan said...

I am a follower.

Thanks, vancy31[at]gmail[dot]com

Megan said...

I have the FFF button in my blog.

Thanks, vancy31[at]gmail[dot]com

Megan said...

I also have the BSB button in my blog.
Thanks, vancy31[at]gmail[dot]com

Anonymous said...

My mom is a Super Mom

Anonymous said...

I follow

Anonymous said...

I have the FFF button

Crystal and Billy said...

She's a wise woman!

Lynn said...

My mom turned out to be a Wise Woman...she'd like that!

lynnturtlehead at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have the FFF Baby Shower Blast button

Crystal and Billy said...

I have the baby blast button too.

Heidi said...

Super mom!


Heidi said...

I follow!

Emmy Coffee said...

Earth Mom.

That was so surprise there! She lives in a cabin in North Woods without electricity!


Sydney said...

My mom is a "Wise Mom"


Unknown said...

I just added your FFF button

Unknown said...

My momma is a Super Mom!

Anonymous said...

My Mom is a Wise Woman

Becky DeVries said...

My mom is soooo a super mom, the only time she stops to smell the roses is to play with my children which so loves so dearly.

Becky DeVries said...

I have your button


Becky DeVries said...

I follow!


Denise S. said...

My mom is a Wise Woman. No surprise there!

MRMD_GRL said...

I am a super mom, and my mommy who passed away last year was a wise woman! Cute quiz!!

MRMD_GRL said...

I follow you!

Anonymous said...

The Earth Mom

Jenn said...

Love this! Got the Fab Find button on my personal blog!

Jenn said...

Got the baby shower blast button on my personal blog!

J. Cannon said...

My mom really would love this as a gift.

mickeyfan said...

Wise woman. Very true.

{Amanda} said...

My mom's a Super Mom! Of course I already knew that =)


{Amanda} said...

AND I'm a follower =)

Anonymous said...

wow, great contest

Bebemiqui said...

I did for my mom and she's a Wise Woman...I'd agree!

KristaR said...

My mom is a Wise Woman!


KristaR said...

I follow


Unknown said...

Since I am a 64 year grandmother, I took the quiz for myself. I found out that I am a wise woman. Looking through the wise woman products, I decided I would like the Aroma Therapy Spa Set.

The quiz was very interesting to take and all of the products look first rate.

Thank you for introducing me to the site through sponsoring this contest.



The Johnson's said...

My mother is a wise woman. I honestly think its very true too!


The Johnson's said...

I have fab finds button


The Johnson's said...

I am a follower


Kelly said...

My mom is totally a Wise Woman!

Jingle said...

My Mom is a Super Mom! Hmm...interesting! LOL!

Kelly said...

I follow your blog.

Cherry Blossoms said...

My Mom is a SUPER Mom! I would have to agree!

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

Cherry Blossoms said...

I have your button on my blog

cherryblossomsdesign at hotmail dot com

Cherry Blossoms said...

I also have the shower button!

cherryblossomsdesign at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I did the quiz for both my mom and me...and we are both the Wise Woman :) Fun quiz!

Anonymous said...

my mom is a Super Mom! yeaaaaaaaah!

whodamomnj at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said...

And I have the baby shower button!

Anonymous said...

my mom is definately super women


Jara said...

It say's that my Mom is SuperMom...


Jara said...

I'm a follower


Carrie said...

My mom is a Super Mom!

Wendi said...

she is a Wise Woman


Lea Liz said...

My mom is a WISE WOMAN!! soo true:)

I am a follower and I have your shower button on my blog!!

Linda W said...

says she's a super mom and yep she was when we were kids and still is ~ just a bit slower now!


lacey said...

My mother is "super mom!" And that really fits!!

Fox Family said...

Jennifer Fox - jforfo@msn.com My mom is also a Wise Women. What a fun quiz

Fox Family said...

Jennifer Fox jforfo@msn.com - follower

Cassie said...

My mom is Super Mom! (of course!)


Cassie said...

I have the fff button on my blog:


Lisa S. said...

My mom is a Wise Mom!! lisa.skinner@lashgroup.com

Amy said...

My Mom is Super Mom.

Jill said...

My mom is a Wise Woman.
And I agree with body shop.

Jess said...

My mom is a wise women...so true!
Awesome giveaway! jessbelt@gmail.com

Jessica said...

My mom is the Wise Woman! So true.

Kathryn said...

My mom is a Wise Woman. So true, in my own eyes at least!


Arianna said...

My mom is a Wise Woman! :)

Arianna said...

I Follow

Lene said...

Earth Mother...who knew?!?

Heather said...

I couldn't agree more...my mom is a Wise Woman.


Lene said...

and SSB button.

Sam and Josh said...

My mom is super mom.


Sam and Josh said...

Blog button


Sam and Josh said...

Shower Blog Button


5webs said...

My mom came up as a Wise Woman also.
Alicia Webster

Judith said...

My mom is a "wise mom". Great giveaway!


Anonymous said...

My mom is the Glamour Mom! And no doubt about that, she IS!

ParkingGoddessFTW at gmail dot com

Shanda said...

Glamour Mom!

Anonymous said...

My mom is indeed a Wise Woman! Thanks so much for the cool and fun giveaway.

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog also.

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Ashley Mae McKnight said...

Super Mom~

Sarah J S said...

my mommy would love this, she never buys herself anything special.

Nat Lud said...

My mom is a wise woman! Pretty true I must say.


Heather S said...

My mom Is a wise Woman... SO FALSE!! Not true at all! Thanks

hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Iam an Earth Mother- not surprised to hear it. I'm very aware of the environment, and I try to be frugal, yet fun at the same time! I would really like to win- friends tell me I deserve to be pampered every now and then.

chelsea said...

Wise mom...yeah imagine that my mom is Very wise. I love her soo much especially now that I am a mom. I would love to win this for her! Thanks for the giveaway!

slb3334 said...

super mom.

Lysanne said...

My mom is a SuperMom!

Jill Hunt said...

My mom is a Super Mom indeed!


Jill Hunt said...



Vicky H. said...

It suggests that my mom is a Wise Woman. I definitely think she has the wisdom of most Korean mothers.


Emily B said...

My mom is also a Wise Woman!

arielle said...

My mom is a wise woman!!! Love this! Thanks for the chance

SheilaBee said...

My mom is a Wise Mom!

Emily B said...

I've got your button on my blog!
ebickell (at) hotmail (dot) com

Emily B said...

I've got the Baby Shower Blast button, too!
ebickell (at) hotmail (dot) com

Joelle said...

My mother is a Wise Woman!


Julie Ann said...

My mother is a Supermom!

Julie Ann said...

I follow your blog!

Unknown said...

My mom is a glamour mom! I knew she would be.

Unknown said...

I have you fff button.

Unknown said...

I have your shower blast button.

Sam said...

I took the quiz with my boyfriend's mother in mind since my mother has passed. She is a SuperMom! I agree, she can do it all and keep a smile while doing it.

ilikecitylights @ gmail dot com

MelissaR said...

I took the quiz for both myself and my mom. My mom is a wise woman. It says I am a supermom. Fun quiz!

MelissaR said...

I have a baby shower button.

Anonymous said...

I took the quiz for me and I'm a Wise Woman :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm following you on Blogger :)

Anonymous said...

zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

My mom and I both are Wise Woman moms!

Christie said...

Looks like your moms have somethign in common; she was scored as a wise woman, too.Plus, the products that were recommended look perfect for her, especially the Japanese cherry blossom one: she's Japanese:)

thanks for the giveaway!!

Christie said...

I have your standar button on my blog:



Christie said...

I also have your shower blast button...


thanks again.

Christie said...

I follow:)


thanks for this giveaway; my mom would love it!!

linda a said...

My mama is Glamour Mom!! LOL...like mother like daughter...Thank you


Kelly said...

Earth Woman!


ChrisandLogue said...

My mom is an Earth Mother...and I agree!


ChrisandLogue said...

we have the standard FFF button...


ChrisandLogue said...

and the FFF Baby Shower Blast button...


ChrisandLogue said...

and I follow your blog!


Anonymous said...

Super mom. On the go!

Reviewer said...

My mom is a Wise Woman - and she totally is!


jayne said...

My Mom is Supermom-i knew it!

Huguette En said...

I took the quiz and it states that my mother is a wise woman, how true!

plhill2000 said...

My Mom is a Glamour Mom. I'm A Wise Woman.

darlanpaulsmamma said...

My mom is a Wise Woman

Alice said...

My mom is a wise woman.


Anjie said...

The quiz results said my Mom is a "Wise Woman". With the description that followed I agree!

Anjie said...

I follow your blog!

Alice said...

I follow.


Anjie said...

I also have your FFF button on my blog!

Anjie said...

And I have the Baby Shower button on my blog!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

My mom is Super Mom and I am Wise Woman...

shaka said...

my mom is a supermom! so true!

Unknown said...

My mom is supermom!

Polished10 said...

My mom is Super Mom & I would have to agree. She truly is always on the go, finding something to do in spare time. She is always caring & thinking for others. I am so blessed to have her in my life!

Annie1 said...

My mom is a Wise Woman!



Berrett's said...

My mom is Super mom! That she is!!


Berrett's said...

i follow...


Berrett's said...

i have your button on my blog!


Berrett's said...

and i have your shower blast button on my blog...


Erica Wyatt said...

My mom is a Wise Woman

Erica Wyatt said...

I have a FFF button on my blog

Erica Wyatt said...

I have a FFFBS button on my blog

Fangirl Jen said...

My mom was also "Wise Woman". Kinda fun.

Anonymous said...

Linz said :
Fun quizz !
My mum is a Glamour Mom and that is so true.

Mandi said...

My mom is a supermom. That test was exactly right!

eell said...

Mom is an Earth Mother.

Kirsten said...

Glamour Mom!

Kirsten said...


Brandon and Emily said...

My mom is a Wise Woman! So true.


Brandon and Emily said...


mledorman at gmail dot com

Brandon and Emily said...

Shower button

mledorman at gmail dot com

Brandon and Emily said...


mledorman at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

my mom is a supermom

T + 2 said...

I follow! tplustwo@gmail.com

T + 2 said...

I have your button!

T + 2 said...

A super mom she definitely is!!


Krystal said...

My mom is the Super mom the quiz said. Perfect!

Krystal said...

I am a follower!kbc517@aol.com

Krystal said...

I have your shower button on my blog. kbc517@aol.com

Krystal said...

I have the regular FFF button too! kbc517@aol.com

Amber said...

My mom is the earth mother.
Thanks for the giveaway :)

cranepuffin said...

The quiz confirmed that my moms a wise woman! No news here!

cranepuffin said...

I'm a follower.

Megan said...

My mom is a Wise Woman!


Megan said...

I have your button on my blog!

Mandi and Adam said...

My mom is definitely the Supermom!

Jessica said...

How amazingly accurate, my mom is a Wise Woman too! She LOVES the Japanese Cherry Blossom lotion!


Jessica said...

I follow!


Jessica said...

I have the FFF button!


Jessica said...

And I have the baby shower button!


{amy k.} said...

My mom is a wise woman! (very wise indeed!)


{amy k.} said...

I'm a follower!


peg42 said...

My Mom is a Supermom. This quiz was fun. Thanks so much for offering this great giveaway. This would make such a lovely gift for Mothers Day. Thanks.

nfmgirl said...

My mother would be a Wise Woman. And she would also have never done that quiz, because she would tell you that she doesn't have time for such things!

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT ocm

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