Daily Boutique Deals

June 4, 2009

464 Hatley Rain Gear Giveaway **CLOSED**

Hatley, a company known for its high-quality nature-themed garments, has a line of raingear that is truly to die for! My son received the aliens umbrella and rain boots. I know my kids have more raingear than they need, but I can not tell you how cute my son is prancing around the house in shorts and these rainboots! We have found these boots are excellent to play outside in while gardening and playing in the sprinkler. The pull up handles are a dream! These make the boots very easy for a child to pull on and off themselves. Yay! Self-reliance! The umbrella is the perfect size and shape to keep your child dry. What little kid does not love an umbrella? The wooden handle is just one more high quality detail you will soon expect from all Hatley products!
Hatley is generously giving one winner a umbrella and pair of rain boots in any style! To enter please visit Hatley, come back and comment on your favorite item before midnight 6/10 PST!
Extra Entries
1 entry- place a standard Fabulous Fun Finds Button on your own personal blog
1 entry- place an "ALL BOYS" button on your own personal blog
1 entry -become a follower by adding yourself to the group of followers on the right hand sidebar
1 entry- update your facebook or twitter account with links to this exact post (link required)
Please leave a valid email address for notification purposes!
Hatley is offering Fabulous Fun Finds readers 10% off your entire purchase until June 30! Please use the promotional code "fabfinds."
Congratulations to Ellen C. Confirmed!


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Unknown said... 1

My favorite item is the Whale of a Time Swimsuit.

jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 2

I follow your blog.

jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 3

I have your FFF button.

jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 4

I have your All boys button.

jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... 5

Tweet http://twitter.com/MACMOMof3/status/2027116502

jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said... 6

I love the Pirate Bear Boxers.


Jackie P. said... 7

Oh my,I can just see Gabriel sporting the Dinosaur Raincoat.So many great and useful products to choose from.

Jackie P. said... 8

I follow.

Jackie P. said... 9

Have your standard FFF button

Jackie P. said... 10

Have your ALL BOYS button

Belinda M said... 11

My favorite item is the Strawberry Picnic Women's Tank PJ Set

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:

Belinda M said... 12

I follow your blog

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:

Delia said... 13

My favorite is the I Moose Be Dreaming Sleep Shirt


Delia said... 14

I follow your blog


Delia said... 15

I have the FFF button on my blog.


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said... 16

I like the Apples Kids Back Pack.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said... 17

I follow your blog.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said... 18

I've got your button.

Amy Mac said... 19

I love all of their raingear stuff too! I also love the kids dinosaour backpack for my son :)


Amy Mac said... 20

I follow!

Stephanie said... 21

I like the Alien Infant Hooded Pullover.

Stephanie said... 22

I follow

Stephanie said... 23

FFF BUtton

Stephanie said... 24

All Boys button

Amy Mac said... 25

I have your All Boys button


Heidi said... 26

I like the dinasour rain coat!


Heidi said... 27

I'm a follower!


ethnically ambiguous said... 28

I like the Wild Pirates Childrens Rubber Boots & umbrella

ethnically ambiguous said... 29

i follow

ethnically ambiguous said... 30

i have your button

ethnically ambiguous said... 31

i have the all boys button

Stacey - Elle Belle said... 32

The apples rain set is my fave!

Kelli W said... 33

I love the take me to your leader pj's!

Stacey - Elle Belle said... 34

i have the fff button

Kelli W said... 35

I follow!

Kelli W said... 36

I have the all boys button!

Kristyn Martin said... 37

I love the Camp Overall Print Pajama Set. Thanks so much for the chance!


Kristyn Martin said... 38

I follow your blog.


Kristyn Martin said... 39

I have your All Boys button on my blog.


Kristyn Martin said... 40

I have the FFF button on my blog!


Jennifer said... 41

I like the Dam Cute Baby one piece - too funny!

Jennifer said... 42

I have the All Boys button!

Lee West said... 43

The raincoats are adorable!

lee_west at verizon dot net

Lee West said... 44

I follow!

lee_west at verizon dot net

Lee West said... 45

FFF button!

lee_west at verizon dot net

Sydney said... 46

I love the Lab "Ankle Biter" One Piece for infants


Sydney said... 47

I follow your blog


Suburban prep said... 48

I love the Adult daisies boots and the clogs. They are just darling.

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Suburban prep said... 49

I follow.

msgb245 at gmail dot com

oneordinaryday said... 50

It's hard to choose. It's all cute and I'm going back to shop right now. : )
The partying cats umbrella is adorable, but so is the pirate one. Decisions!

oneordinaryday said... 51

I subscribe.

Suzie said... 52

I love the wild pirates umbrella & boots

Danielle said... 53

The Camp Kids umbrella is my favorite item. We camp alot, so I know my son would love it!


torasa said... 54

huge fan of the rain boots!!!! love em!~torasa and thanks

Catey said... 55

I love the Lab Kids Rain Boots!

Carrie said... 56

I love the Steel Moose Kids' Rain Boots

Carrie said... 57

i am a blog follower

Nonnie said... 58

Crazy for the dinosaur rain boots !!

fijiama2004 at yahoo.com

Nonnie said... 59

I have your all boy button

fijiama2004 at yahoo.com

Pam said... 60

I like the alien kids rainboots and umbrella.

melacan at hotmail dot com

Liana Brown said... 61

I love the Fun Frogs Umbrella! CUTE

Libby said... 62

My favorite are the dinosaur and/or the alien rain boots.


Libby said... 63

I am a follower


Libby said... 64

FFF button on my blog


Libby said... 65

ALL BOYS button on my blog


Judith said... 66

I like the one piece outfits - especially the Heart Breaker one.

judithandmarc at comcast.net

MamabearMills said... 67

i love the strawberry print for the umbrella and boots!!!

MamabearMills said... 68

http://twitter.com/mamabear123/status/2029785524 tweeted it

MamabearMills said... 69

got the fff button up

MamabearMills said... 70

all boys button up too

Abby said... 71

I really like the apple one!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

Heather said... 72

My son would love the Wild Pirates Children Hoodie with Applique on Back.


Heather said... 73

I follow


Lauren F. said... 74

Love the Moose on Red onesie.
laurenafunk at gmail dot com

Lauren F. said... 75

I follow.

laurenafunk at gmail dot com

{amy k.} said... 76

I love the summer garden and alien rainboots and jacket. So cute!


Lauren F. said... 77

I have your FFF button.
teamfunk dot blogspot dot com
laurenafunk at gmail dot com

{amy k.} said... 78

I follow!


Lauren F. said... 79

I have your All Boys button.
teamfunk dot blogspot dot com
laurenafunk at gmail dot com

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said... 80

I like the "Berry Sweet" Swimsuit

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said... 81

I tweeted

Jennifer Ladd said... 82

I like the prancing horses snow boots ... they're so cute!

jennifereladd at yahoo dot com

Jennifer Ladd said... 83

I have your FFF button on my blog.

Jennifer Ladd said... 84

I have your all boys button on my blog.

jennifereladd at yahoo dot com

Chelsy said... 85

Love all the hatley pjs and the summer floral rain boots!!!

Chelsy said... 86

I have a FFF button!!!!

Chelsy said... 87

I have a all boys button!!!!!!

Anonymous said... 88

my favorite item is the Apple Kids' Rain Boots


Anonymous said... 89

Fabulous Fun Finds Button is up


Anonymous said... 90

"ALL BOYS" button is up


Anonymous said... 91



Stevens Family said... 92

Dinosaurs Boys Basic Fit Tee

Stevens Family said... 93

fun finds button on my blog - littlejs2477@yahoo.com

Anonymous said... 94




Melanie said... 95

Take a hike short pajamas.


Hills said... 96

The wild pirates would be super fun to win! liquidgirl2004@hotmail.com

Mizz Alvarado said... 97

I think my son would love that Alien Kids umbrella!!


Mizz Alvarado said... 98



Heather S said... 99

Love the Apple set of Rain boots and Umbrella! Thanks

hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com

Mizz Alvarado said... 100




Ashley said... 101

The lab kids print is so cute
yamahagirl at gmail

sweetsue said... 102

The Bear Bum Kids Boxers are my favorite-really cute!
smchester at gmail dot com

sweetsue said... 103

I have your FFF button on my sidebar.
smchester at gmail dot com

sweetsue said... 104

I'm a follower!
smchester at gmail dot com

Andrea said... 105

I like the America's Moose Wanted Kid's Tee, funny. And the Dinosaur rainboots.

Andrea said... 106

All Boys button on blog

Andrea said... 107


Andrea said... 108

Tweeted http://twitter.com/anniekawaii/statuses/2030993985

Holly R said... 109

I like the Apple Kis Umbrella.

Holly R said... 110

All Boys Button.

Raimi said... 111

That little diasy swimsuit is darling!


Raimi said... 112

I have a FFF button on my blog.


Raimi said... 113

I have the All Boys button on my blog.


Raimi said... 114

I follow!


mkjmc said... 115

Seashore Lounge Short Set

Vanessa Shannon said... 116

I like the glow in the dark pj rex sleep set.


Vanessa Shannon said... 117

I follow


pamelarm said... 118

I like the Apples Kids backpack

Jennifer C. said... 119

I love the apple ladies rainboots!

jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

Jennifer C. said... 120

I follow your blog!

jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

Tegan | Celebrate Twelve13 said... 121

The Steel Moose Kid's Rain Boots


Jennifer C. said... 122

I have the FFF button on my blog!


jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

Jeni said... 123

I like the Dam Cute Baby" One Piece

Anonymous said... 124

So cute! I like the Take me to your Leader Applique Pajama Set.

Anonymous said... 125

I follow

Tuesday Girl said... 126

I love all of their Pjs especially the P- rex set

tuesdayef (At) aol dot com

Tuesday Girl said... 127


tuesdayef (At) aol dot com

Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com) said... 128

I love the Seashore "Whale of a Time" Gathered One Piece- so cute!

Sue said... 129
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue said... 130

The Camp Zip-Up Hooded Pullover is perfect for us. Thanks for the giveaway~

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

Joanna (joanna.price(at)live(dot)com) said... 131

Tweeted- http://twitter.com/joannagiveaway/status/2031747015

MelissaR said... 132

My boys would love the wild pirates and lab raincoats!

Linda said... 133

I like their Glow in the dark PJ Rex Pajama Set, How cute!

cookiert said... 134

I like the Alien Overall Print Childrens Pajama Set.

Anonymous said... 135

I like the Strawberry Picnic Women's Tank PJ Set.

MaryAnn said... 136

I love the summer garden rainboots and umbrella

torinem said... 137

The Whale of a Time Swimsuit is super cute!


Cassie said... 138

Gotta love the Wild Pirates rain boots and umbrella!!


Cassie said... 139

I have the All boys button:


Gibb Family said... 140

They are all so cute! I love the Steel Moose Umbrella.

Gibb Family said... 141

I have your FFF button

Gibb Family said... 142

I follow your blog too.


susan said... 143

My favorite item is the Camp Unlined Childrens Raincoat.

susan said... 144

I updated my Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?sid=87455468762&h=jDraD&u=umfrq&ref=nf

Eddie said... 145

I am haviong trouble deciding but I think my favourite is (are?) the Aliens!


Secret Burkheiser said... 146

My favorite items are the "Whale of a Time" Swimsuit and the matching Seashore Kids Sun Hat.

JACLYN said... 147

I love the party cats socks for women. :)

Paige said... 148

My daughter would love anything in the Wild Pirates theme.

galeogirl at comcast dot net

Theresa said... 149

I like the lamb footed coveralls for infants. Thanks!

sharethelove at cox dot net

Theresa said... 150


sharethelove at cox dot net

theresa said... 151



sharethelove at cox dot net

Unknown said... 152

Haha..I love the "I love ewe" girls shirt!

Unknown said... 153


Kelsey said... 154

Kelsey Hansen: I love the Apple boots & umbrella. Super cute!


Kelsey said... 155

I follow.

Kelsey said... 156

I have FFF button.


Stephanie said... 157

Music Notes Adult Boots are my fave
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Michelle said... 158

My daughter would be thrilled with the Party Kittens Rain Boots! Kittens and boots are two of her favorite things. Thanks for the chance to win!

Michelle said... 159

I have your All Boys button.

Aura said... 160

I like the wild horses footed coverall

Aura said... 161

I follow yo

mverno said... 162

the dinosaur raincoat is ever so cute mverno@roadrunner.com

Anonymous said... 163

I love the Apple Rain boots!

Alice H said... 164

I love the bear country pajama pants in the women section - thanks! alicedemskehansen at gmail.com

Alice H said... 165

I follow - alicedemskehansen at gmail.com

Jaime said... 166

Oh my gosh! The cutest rain stuff I have EVER seen!! I love the alien and the pirate ones!!

Jaime said... 167

I follow your awesome blog!

Lisa said... 168

I love the lunch totes and the sleep shirts for me.

Lisa said... 169

I am a follower

Alison said... 170

I love the Go Fish Screen Print Fitted T-Shirt! Adorable

steph.miles.miley said... 171

I love the Strawberry Picnic Childrens Raincoat.

steph.miles.miley said... 172

I have a Fabulous Fun Finds button on my blog.

steph.miles.miley said... 173

I follow.

Stephanie said... 174

I love the "falling to sheep" coverall and cap set.

Stephanie said... 175

I follow.

Stephanie said... 176

Tweet! http://twitter.com/stlyhu/status/2036330132

Ginny said... 177

Love the Horses Sport Tank

Ginny said... 178

fff button

Ginny said... 179

all boy button up

Hillary said... 180

Alien infant pull-over.

Hillary said... 181

Alien infant pull-over.

Hillary said... 182

I have the FFF button.

throuthehaze said... 183

i like the Dinosaurs Umbrella

throuthehaze said... 184

I follow.

throuthehaze said... 185

I have FFF button.

throuthehaze said... 186

I have your All Boys button.

Grad Student said... 187

I like the Steel Moose Terry Hoodie!


notworthwriting said... 188

i love the Apple Kids' Rain Boots...

notworthwriting said... 189

i follow you

The Dreamer said... 190

love the boys are from mars coverall

addeviant006 at gmail dot com

The Dreamer said... 191


addeviant006 at gmail dot com

The Dreamer said... 192

have the FFF button

addeviant006 at gmail dot com

The Dreamer said... 193

hve the all boys button

addeviant006 at gmail dot com


Whale of a Time Swimsuit.



VENOM79 said... 196

rain rain go awawy

Waterlogged said... 197

The steel moose kids rainboots.

Waterlogged said... 198

I follow.

Waterlogged said... 199

FFF button.

Waterlogged said... 200

I have the all boys button.

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