Daily Boutique Deals

June 10, 2009

420 Shade Clothing Giveaway **CLOSED**

Shade Clothing is known for their hip and fashionable modest clothing line. From fashionable dresses to fabulous swim suits Shade Clothing has you covered! Right now is the perfect time to try out Shade Clothing as many of their pieces are up to 60% off. This is a fabulous sale! I have the short sleeve cardigan which is perfect for layering on those cooler summer nights. Shade Clothing has teamed up with United Way to help families in need through a Bright Side Tee Fundraiser. Fifty percent of the net profits from the Bright Side Tee collection will be donated back to the community. You can help by purchasing one of these fun tees for only $20!
Shade Clothing is offering one lucky winner a $30 shopping spree to Shade Clothing. A second winner will be able to select a Bright Side Tee of her choice! To enter please visit Shade Clothing, come back and comment on your favorite item before midnight 6/16PST!
Extra Entries
1 entry- place a Fabulous Fun Finds button on your own personal blog
1 entry- become a follower by adding yourself to the group of followers on the right hand sidebar
1 entry- update your Facebook or Twitter account with links to this giveaway (link required)Leave a comment for each entry. Leave a email address for winning notification purposes!
COngratulations to Melissa who said"I like the black girly polo"! $30 winner!
COngratulaitons to Saving daeron. You won the Bright Side Tee. Must confirm by midnight 6/17!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 420   Newer›   Newest»
Theresa said... 1


sharethelove at cox dot net

Theresa said... 2

I follow

sharethelove at cox dot net

Theresa said... 3

I like the Paris top.


sharethelove at cox dot net

Sarah said... 4

I love their swimsuits, and pretty much all of their basic line (the cap sleeve tops are a much)

Sarah said... 5

I folllow!

sarah said... 6

i like the gold button v-neck short sleeved cardigan in purple!

Andrea said... 7

I love the Gold Button V-Neck Short Sleeve Cardigan!

Andrea said... 8

I follow!

MamabearMills said... 9

i like the band skirt

MamabearMills said... 10

i have your bitton

MamabearMills said... 11

i follow

Heather said... 12

I would love the maternity empire waist cap sleeve tee.


Heather said... 13

fff button


Heather said... 14

I follow


MamabearMills said... 15

http://twitter.com/mamabear123/status/2100254827 tweeted it

I Do Faces said... 16

I just had a baby I need the hermosa swim top!

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said... 17

I like the Bright Side Wake a Wish t-shirt =)


♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said... 18

I follow your blog =)

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said... 19

I tweeted =)


Jamie said... 20

I love the shirred raglan top

Jamie said... 21

I follow

janil said... 22

This is lovely!
Naples Swim Top
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

janil said... 23

cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

rubymoon said... 24

The Bright Side Make A Wish T-shirt is very cute! All their clothing line looks super comfortable.

espressogurl at hotmail dot com

rubymoon said... 25

Follower. (rubymoon/Ally/Blogger)

espressogurl at hotmail dot com

Danielle said... 26

I am loving the Shirred Band Skirt. I would get a ton of use out of that in the summer!


Unknown said... 27

Such cute clothes, what a great giveaway!

Kim said... 28

LOVE: Bright Side The future is bright

Unknown said... 29

I'm a follower!

Kim said... 30


Stephanie said... 31

I like the short sleeve cardigan!

Stephanie said... 32

FFF Button

Stephanie said... 33

I follow.

Heather said... 34

Heather Dance: Follower


Heather said... 35

Heather Dance - I love the shift dress!!


Stacey - Elle Belle said... 36

I like the empire maternity tee with cap sleeve

notworthwriting said... 37

i like the gold button v-neck short sleeved cardigan in purple!

Kelli W said... 38

I like the V neck short sleeve cardigan!

Suzie said... 39

I love their swimsuit, but I NEED some new capsleeves.

DMLD said... 40

The Bright Side Make A Wish T is very cool

pday3 at cox dot net

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said... 41

I like the
Shirred Raglan Top with Print.

DMLD said... 42


pday3 at cox dot net

DMLD said... 43

Have link to your site

Blissfully Enamored said... 44

gold button vneck cardigan!

Nanette said... 45

I love the Venice Beach Swim top and bottom!

Kinzie Sue said... 46

I love the Shift dress, and the maternity baby tee!


Kinzie Sue said... 47

I follow.


mar said... 48

I love the Smocked Raglan Top. I could wear this so often!

Suburban prep said... 49

I like the Shift Dress in Jade/Off White. So pretty.

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Suburban prep said... 50

I am a follower

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Rebecca said... 51

I love the halter top swimsuit!!

Aaron said... 52

Love the Balboa swim top

Aaron said... 53

I follow

Unknown said... 54

The maternity clothes. Definitely those! And then there is that new shirt selection they came out with. I ordered several things.

Kennell's said... 55

I like the Gold Button V-Neck Short Sleeve Cardigan

Jan said... 56

I'm a big fan of their tanks -- perfect for layering.

Jan said... 57

And I am a follower.

Berrett's said... 58

I like the puckered tees...ok i like the signature cap sleeve too. (just bought 3 of them and LOVE them) thanks for the chance to win!


Cindy said... 59

I like the swim suits...so cute but modest and covering at the same time.

Cindy said... 60

I follow.

Cindy said... 61

I have the button.

The Allen Family said... 62

I love the Pleated Neck Dress.

Jennifer Ladd said... 63

I like the board skirt in light aqua.

jennifereladd at yahoo dot com

Jennifer Ladd said... 64

I have your button on my blog.

jennifereladd at yahoo dot com

Liana Brown said... 65

The printed bubble top is my favorite.. in black/white. I know the owner of this company and the quality is great! I also love the layering tank tops!

Jingle said... 66

I like the half sleeve dress!

Judith said... 67

I like the style of the Shirred Raglan Top with Print.
judithandmarc at comcast.net

Stevens Family said... 68
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stevens Family said... 69
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stevens Family said... 70
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sheila said... 71

I love the jacket with tie!


Erin said... 72

I love the pleated neck dress!

Erin said... 73

I follow.

Sheila said... 74

I'm a follower!


Sheila said... 75

I have the FFF button on my blog.


Heather D. said... 76

I like the shirred band skirt. I am trying to dress a little nicer this summer - fewer shorts, more skirts. This would be handy!

Unknown said... 77

My fav is the The future is bright tee

Erin said... 78

I have the FFF button on my sidebar.

Heather D. said... 79

Follower via google reader

Buki Family said... 80

ive been looking for a swimsuit and the one you have on here is it!!! i also like the hermosa beach swim top

Carrie said... 81

I like the Smocked Raglan Top

Sam and Josh said... 82

Paris top


kate said... 83

Please! kate.george@hotmail.com

Kayla said... 84

I follow.


Kayla said... 85

I like the Perfect Tee!


Kayla said... 86

I have your button.


Ashley said... 87

Balboa Swim top
yamahagirl at gmail

Amanda said... 88

I like the Maternity Softest Cap Sleeve. Very Cute Stuff!

Amberlie&Jerry said... 89

I love the gold button cardigans!
Amberlie Stoddard

MaryAnn said... 90

I like the Shirred Raglan Top with Print

Amanda said... 91

I'm a follower!
(I typed my email address wrong on my last comment.)

Amanda said... 92

your button is on my blog:

Anonymous said... 93

I like the bright side game on shirt.

Stephanie said... 94

I am torn between the pleated neck dress and the 1/2 sleeves dress :)

Sue said... 95

I love the Pleated Neck Dress. So cute. Thanks for sharing~

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

Denise said... 96

Shirred band skirt


Alison said... 97

My favourite by far is the Pleated-Neck Dress! Thanks!

Vanessa Shannon said... 98

I really love the 1/2 sleeve dress with the empire waist!


Vanessa Shannon said... 99

I follow


Anonymous said... 100

Love the Pleated neck dress.

Anonymous said... 101

Have a FFF button on the right hand side of my blog in the scroll.

Anonymous said... 102


Katrina said... 103

I like the Printed Cap Sleeve!


Katrina said... 104

I have the FFF button!


Katrina said... 105

I'm a follower!


Mamushi Love said... 106

I like the Empire Tee w/ Cap Sleeve in drizzle/white.

Tegan | Celebrate Twelve13 said... 107

The Shirred Band Skirt


Unknown said... 108

I love Shades shirts and have quite a few! Since I'm pregnant, I'd have to choose the cap sleeve maternity Tee as a favorite right now!

Jeremy and Jennifer said... 109

I like the Paris top.


Hills said... 110

i love all the cap sleeve tops!

The Newmans said... 111

I like the 1/2 sleeve dress. Looks so comfy!


The Newmans said... 112

I follow.


Teresa said... 113

Gold Button V-Neck Short Sleeve Cardigan would be my first item of choice...but there really are a ton of cute items that I would love to have !!!

Teresa said... 114

I have a FFF button on my blog! :)

Teresa said... 115

I follow...pooker423

Sydney said... 116

I love the V-Neck Short Sleeve Cardigan!!


Nancy said... 117

Oooh, I like the balboa swim suit. So cute! Thanks for the giveaway.

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said... 118

I would just love the maternity empire tee.

mommainflipflops At gmail.com

Ally said... 119

I like the bright side tee!

A's Nini said... 120

My fave is the Hermosa Beach Swim Top.


A's Nini said... 121

I follow.


A's Nini said... 122

I sent out a tweet.


Andrea Hatfield said... 123

I like the plain v neck tees.

Hetal said... 124

I like puckered tees.

Emily B said... 125

I like the Maternity Softest Cap Sleeve.
ebickell (at) hotmail (dot) com

Emily B said... 126

I've got the FFF button here:
ebickell (at) hotmail *dot* com

Emily B said... 127

I follow!
ebickell (aT) hotmail *dot* com

Heather S said... 128

I like the V-Neck S/S Cardigan! Thanks

hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com

Heather S said... 129

and I follow your blog! Thanks

Jess said... 130

i love their tees and tanks!!

Jess said... 131

i have your button

Krystal said... 132

venice beach swim top and swim skirt with bottoms

Jill said... 133

I love the shift dress in jade!

Jill Hunt said... 134

I really like their swimsuits!


Scarlett said... 135

LOVE Shade Clothing! I need a new dress, so I think I would pick the Shift Dress in Cobalt.


Daer0n said... 136

My favorite piece is The Bright Side with Block Letters tee.
daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

Daer0n said... 137

I have the FFF button on my blog.
daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

Daer0n said... 138

i am a follower.
daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

Daer0n said... 139

i tweeted:

daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

Jill said... 140

I'm a follower!

Jill said... 141

I have an FFF button.

SavingDiva said... 142

I love the Pleated-Peplum Jacket!

savingforhome at gmail dot com

Lauren said... 143


Anonymous said... 144

I like the surfside swim top. Thanks!

Anonymous said... 145

I follow

Theresa said... 146

My favorite is the Shirred Raglan Top with Print. So many cute clothes, it was hard to choose.

JoEllen said... 147

I love Shade clothes!! I love the
V-Neck Short Sleeve Cardigan...it could go with everything!

joellenzafacon at gmail dot com

Melanie said... 148

I like the Naples Swim Top.

Melanie said... 149

I follow.


Unknown said... 150

Also I'm a follower!

lacey said... 151

I like the Paris top

Jaime said... 152

I love this giveaway so much!! I want to win!! I love their swimsuits!!

Jaime said... 153

I follow your awesome blog!

elaine said... 154

I like the Bright Side Wake A Wish Tee Shirt .

Elaine R

Shelly T. said... 155

They have such cute items!

I love the Bright Side Wake a Wish tee.


My Heart Blogged said... 156

I love the Cropped Jacket With Tie. Cute clothes!

My Heart Blogged said... 157

i follow on blogger

Cassie said... 158

I like the board skirt


Cassie said... 159

I follow


mverno said... 160

the shired band skirt mverno@roadrunner.com

Katie said... 161

I love the camis! I wear them under everything!


Katie said... 162

I have an FFF button on my blog.


Katie said... 163

I follow!


Katie said... 164

Tweet! http://twitter.com/katiescatharsis/status/2109806065


Briann said... 165

I love their swimsuits!

Briann said... 166

im a follower

Briann said... 167

i have your button


like the swimsuits

Erika said... 169

I love the Shirred band skirt.

Erika said... 170

I have a FFF Button on my blog reyeshouse.blogspot.com

Erika said... 171

I'm a follower

cdmtx said... 172

the cami with lace is cute !

thanks bunches

cdmtx said... 173

i follow :)

ewalsh40 said... 174

I like the Cami w/lace


throuthehaze said... 175

i like the Gold Button V-Neck Short Sleeve Cardigan in cobalt

throuthehaze said... 176

i follow

ewalsh40 said... 177


Hana said... 178

I love that Shirred Band Skirt in Black! It looks comfortable and stylish! I'd definitely get that skirt! I never buy clothing for myself (my kids dress better than I do..LOL) so it would be nice to win! Thanks!


Hana said... 179

I follow!

Hana said... 180

I have the FFF button!

Valerie said... 181

cami with lace cute
kawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com

dawnlizabeth said... 182

I love the idea that this company is socially-conscious! During Summer I wear dresses almost exclusively and was very impressed by the Pleated-Neck Dress in that soft grey color-sweet!

Fox Family said... 183

jforfo@msn.com:I love the girly camisoles, my daughters would love them

Fox Family said... 184


dawnlizabeth said... 185

I am an unreasonably excited subscriber

Waterlogged said... 186

I like the bright side look up T.

Waterlogged said... 187

I follow.

Waterlogged said... 188

I have the button.

susan said... 189

I like the maternity empire tee with cap sleeve.

susan said... 190

I follow.

susan said... 191

I posted on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?sid=103382113368&h=glP53&u=JnLYy&ref=nf

Belinda M said... 192

I like the Empire Tee w/Cap Sleeve

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:

Belinda M said... 193

I follow

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:

Angela Hood said... 194

Love the 4-pleat dress!

Unknown said... 195

I love the 1/2 Sleeve dress!


Green Yak on Etsy said... 196

I love the look of their Shirred Band Skirt!

greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com

Unknown said... 197

I like the Shirred Raglan Top w/print! Too bad I"m not pregnant, I love the maternity clothes!

Unknown said... 198


Unknown said... 199

I follow!

Unknown said... 200

Have the FFF button!

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